Saturday, June 25, 2005


Thought I'd try this blog thing that's been all the rage with my buddies. A friend of mine just went to Europe for post-doc job stuff, and it's been a blast living vicariously through him by virtue of the blog. Mostly though, I'm just hoping for a tiny piece of the internet to share my love of all things cooking with anyone who cares. I get the feeling most of my friends are worn out listening to all my discussions of food, although they seem to like the food itself pretty well :) Speaking of, I've been baking for anyone of my group that gets a job offer, which has been quite a bit of people lately. The most recent baked good I tried was Mexican wedding cookies. Very yummy, and kind of hard to part with. Luckily, I made two batches, so my husband and I can devour a batch all on our own. Which reminds me, some baking is due for my Europe friend with a current total of 3 job offers now. Hmm, that means 3 new things to try :)

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